ISSN 2586-9566 (Print) ISSN 2985-0789 (Online)

Volume 5

No.1: January - June 2021


Oragan Kasonbua1*, Venus Tuankrua2 and Yutthaphong Kheereemangkla2
1Graduate School, Kasetsart University, Bangkok
2Department of Conservation, Faculty of Forestry, Kasetsart University, Bangkok
*Corresponding author: Email:
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Nontacha Sangnummon1,2, Wattanachai Tasen1* and Yongyut Trisurat1
1Faculty of Forestry, Kasetsart University, Bangkok
2Permission division, Royal Forest Department, Chatuchak, Bangkok
*Corresponding author: Email:
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Nuttaporn Chanchay1* and Ansaya Boonprajaub 1
1Agro-Industrial Biotechnology, Maejo University Phrae Campus, Phrae province
*Corresponding author: Email:
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Prudchayaporn Srikoon1,2, Rungrawee Taweesuk, 1, Pitakthai Pramosee1, Petcharat Chankaew2 and Lamthai Asanok3*
1Department of Forest Management, Maejo University, Phrae Campus, Phrae province
2Protected Area Administration office (Phrae), Department of National Park Wildlife and Plant Conservation, Phrae province
3Department of Agroforestry, Maejo University, Phrae Campus, Phrae province
*Corresponding author: Email:
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Sutheera Hermhuk1*, Witchaphart Sungpalee1, Pheeraphan Thongplew1 and Kriangsak Sringernyuang2,3
1Program in Agronomy, Faculty of Agricultural Production, Maejo University, Chiang Mai province
22Program in Geosocial Based Sustainable Development, Faculty of Agricultural Production, Maejo University, Chiang Mai province
3Faculty of Architecture and Environmental Design, Maejo University, Chiang Mai province
*Corresponding author: Email:
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Panida Kachina1*, Narit Yimyam2, Teerapong Soawapak1 and Nalat Mathawang1
1Department of Highland Agriculture and Natural Resources, Faculty of Agriculture, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai province
2Highland Research and Training Center, Faculty of Agriculture, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai province
*Corresponding author: Email:
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Anusorn Sasunti1, Rungrawee Taweesuk2, Pitakthai Pramosee2, Anuphong Grapjun2 and Lamthai Asanok3*
1Watershed Research Division, Watershed Conservation and Management Office, Department of National Park Wildlife and Plant Conservation, Bangkok
2Department of Forest Management, Maejo University, Phrae Campus, Phrae province
3Department of Agroforestry, Maejo University-Phrae Campus, Phrae province
*Corresponding author: Email:
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Pranom Chumriang1, Nanthikan Paduka1 and Nattakarnda Duangon2*
1Mangrove Forest Resources Research Center 6 (Satun), Office of Mangroves Conservation, Department of Marine and Coastal Resources, Satun province
2Department of Forest Biology, Faculty of Forestry, Kasetsart University, Bangkok
*Corresponding author: Email:
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