ISSN 2586-9566 (Print) ISSN 2985-0789 (Online)

Vegetation Structure Characteristics and Edaphic Factors in Tham Sing Recreational Forest, Udon Thani Province

Kittikorn Singtana1, Penpilai Piankhit1, Kritsada Phongkaranyapas2, Monthon Nosaengsri3 and Lamthai Asanok2*
1Forest Management, Maejo University Phrae Campus, Rong Kwang, Phrae, 54140 Thailand
2Agroforestry, Maejo University Phrae Campus, Rong Kwang, Phrae, 54140 Thailand
3Forestry, Establishment Project of Forestry school, Maejo University Phrae Campus, Rong Kwang, Phrae, 54140 Thailand
*Corresponding author: Email:

Background and Objectives: Management of recreational forests requires basic information on the plant community characteristics that appear in the area. Therefore, this study aimed to detect the relationship between plant community structure characteristics and some soil properties in the Tham Sing recreational forest area, Udon Thani Province

Methodology: Twenty purposive sampling plots of 20 m x 20 m were set up for observing tree species composition and collecting soil samples. The ordination analysis using canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) was applied to clarify the relationship between plant community and soil properties based on software of PC-Ord version 6. 

Results: The results shown that two forest types had been found, mixed deciduous forest and deciduous dipterocarp forest, and can be divided into 3 sub- communities. First, mixed deciduous forest comprised 35 species, 31 genera, and 21 families. Tree density, basal area, and species diversity index were 812.5 stems ha-1, 20.42 m2.ha-1, and 2.92, respectively. The important species such as Microcos tomentosa, Vitex peduncularis and Xylia xylocarpa were determined by the value of organic matter (OM; %), nitrogen (N; %) and Potassium (K; mg kg-1). Second, ecotone forest comprised 28 species, 25 genera, and 16 families. Tree density, basal area, and species diversity index were 755 stems ha-1, 25.79 m2.ha-1, and 2.9, respectively. The important species such as Irvingia malayana, Aporosa villosa and Cratoxylum formosum had less determined by soil properties. Third, deciduous dipterocarp forest showed comprised 30 species, 28 genera, and 17 families. Tree density, basal area, and species diversity index showed were 972.22 stems ha-1, 25.85 m2.ha-1, and 2.42, respectively. The important species such as Dipterocarpus obtusifolius, Shorea obtusa and Xylia xylocarpa were determined by calcium (Ca; value of soil properties.

Conclusion: The results indicated that soil properties clearly determine the appearance of different plant communities. Therefore, the management of Tham Sing recreational forest area should be concerned the relationship between tree species and soil properties, particularly selecting suitable species relating to soil properties and recreation activities.

Keywords: Plant species composition, plant-soil relationship, tropical deciduous forest, forest ecotone

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