ISSN 2586-9566 (Print) ISSN 2985-0789 (Online)

Potential Assessment of Apis Bees Pollinators for Agricultural Ecosystem Services of Thailand

Teeka Yotapakdee1*, Ekaphan Kraichak2, Krajana Thainchom3, Chama Inson4 and Natthiya Kongphuthorn5
1Department of Digital Marketing, Maejo University, Phrae Campus, Phrae 54140, Thailand
2Faculty of Science, Kasetsart University, Chatuchak, Bangkok 10900, Thailand
3Faculty of Natural Resources, Prince of Songkla University, Songkla 90110, Thailand
4Faculty of Agriculture, Kasetsart University, Chatuchak, Bangkok 10900, Thailand
5Office of Knowledge Management and Development, Biodiversity-Based Economy Development Office (Public Organization)
*Corresponding author: Email:

Background and Objectives: Pollinators can do to conserve biodiversity with the pollination services in ecosystems services. The objective evaluated in ecosystem services of pollinators in regulation services and provisioning services

Methodology: Study area was included 6 parts of Thailand which concluded in 16 provinces as collected data using purposive sampling 29 samples by questionnaire. Methodology was applied the concept of total economic value of environments.

Main Results: Potential of bee pollinators in part of regulation services was maximizing yielded of bee in longan farm 68 kg./rai and stingless bee in lychee mixed farm 359.34 kg./rai. Provisioning services were maximizing income of bee in longan farm 13,080 ThB/rai and stingless bee in lychee mixed farm 15,734.43 ThB/rai/year. On the other hand, economic value from bee production was maximizing profit in royal bee 1,183.93 ThB/beehive/year, honey bee 742.16 ThB/beehive/year, stingless bee 517.83 ThB/beehive/year and Indian honey bee 337.96 ThB/beehive/year, respectively. 

Conclusion: The monetary value showed worth and potential of bee pollinators which in part of the pollination services in regulation services and provisioning services. Therefore, awareness of pollinators will protect farm ecosystem that no chemicals pesticides for the pollination efficiency of pollinators.

Keywords: Monetary value, regulation services, agribusiness

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