ISSN 2586-9566 (Print) ISSN 2985-0789 (Online)

The Study of Some Ecological Characteristics in Forest Restoration Types in Degraded Conservation Forest Areas at Sri Nan National Park, Nan Province

Narong Koonkhunthod1, Voradol Chamchumroon2*, Sasiwimol Mhanasin3 and Nathawuth Intharujikul4
1Division of Biodiversity, Department of National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation, Bangkok 10900
2Office of Forest and Plant conservation Research, Department of National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation, Bangkok 10900
3Division of Forest Entomology and Forest Mycology, Department of National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation, Bangkok 10900
4Reginal office of Protected Area 13 (Phare), Department of National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation, Prae province, 54000
*Corresponding author: Email:

Background and Objectives: Forest restoration in conservation areas is the key success of nature-based solution on environmental crisis and illegal land use changes. The study aimed to clarify the forest restoration types, suitable species and practices, for ecosystem recovery and livelihood benefits.

Methodology: The degraded areas for forest restoration experiment at Sri Nan National Park were selected. Tree seedling of 27 species were selected and planted into 6 forest restoration types, Type-1) natural restoration, Type-2) fast-growing species planting, Type-3) mixed planting with fast-and slow growing species, Type-4) framework species planting by climax species, Type-5) mixed species planting, and Type-6) under Royal initiative reforestation by 3 forests and 4 benefits. Tree and seedling monitoring was done every year during 2019-2023.

Main Results: All tree seedling of 27 planted species had the average height and diameter at the root collar were 91.0 cm. yr-1. and 20.6 mm. yr-1, respectively. Intermediate of seedlings survival rate was found, 42.3%.yr-1. All measured indicators had significantly different among forest restoration types. We found that Type-4 had the highest survival rate (51.4% yr-1), and followed by Type-5, Type-6, Type-2, and Type-3, respectively. While, the growth rate of diameter at root collar had highest in Type-4, 28.6 mm. yr-1, followed by Type-5, Type-3, Type-2, and Type-6, respectively. In addition, the highest of height growth rate was found in Type-3, 104.7 cm.yr-1, followed by Type-4, Type-6, Type-5, Type-2, respectively. Most indicators under Type-4 (framework species planting) had high values, indicating high sufficiency on forest recovery is detected. 

Conclusion: The framework species planting type is high efficiency on forest restoration, leading high biodiversity recovery and future use for villagers, and it is mostly accepted for community.

Keywords: Forest restoration, Sri Nan National Parks, Article 64 of National Park Act

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