Relationship between vegetation structure and soil factors in Ban Pee Community Forest, Phayao Province
The study of plant community characteristics related to soil factors may help emphasize of forest ecosystem management of Community Forest. This study is aimed to study the relationship between tree species composition and soil factors in Ban Pee Community Forest, Phayao. Eighteen plots, 20 m x 20 m, based on purposive sampling were set up. Tree species composition and soil properties were collected. Cluster analysis and ordination between plant community and soil factors were setup by PC-Ord version 6. The result showed that 126 species 100 genera and 41 families with the Shannon- Wiener index of 3.93. The cluster analysis revealed that 3 sub-communities were divied. First, mixed deciduous forest with Afzelia xylocarpa community was determined by silt soil properties. Second, mixed deciduous forest with Schleichera oleosa community was determined by clay pH and soil nutrient. Third, deciduous dipterocarp forest with Dipterocarpus tuberculatus community was determined by sandy soil properties. Indicting soil properties are important factors determined tree species composition in study sites. Therefore, the Community Forest Management is not focus only on tree species, but also environmental factors especially soil factors should be considered. Because forest structure changes highly correlate to soil properties changes.
Keywords: Plant diversity, Soil properties, Limiting factors, Community Forest Management